Privacy & Policy


At SpiceJunction, we deeply value the privacy and security of our customers personal information. The following privacy policy outlines the measures we take to protect your personal data while you enjoy shopping with us. We want to ensure that your experience is not only delightful but also secure.

Your Personal Data and Its Importance

The provision of your personal data is entirely voluntary. You are not legally or contractually required to provide this information for the conclusion of a contract, nor will it affect our service to you should you choose not to. The only exception is when specific data handling activities necessitate otherwise, as detailed below. "Personal data" refers to any information about an identifiable natural person.

Website Interaction and Server Log Files

Accessing our platform does not require personal data submission. However, like most online services, our system collects data transmitted by your browser and stores it in server log files. This data includes, but is not limited to, page names, access times, IP addresses, and data volumes transferred. This collection is in line with Article 6(1) f) GDPR, aimed at enhancing our website's functionality and service quality.

Responsible Entity

Feel free to reach out at any time. The responsible party's contact details for data processing are available in our legal notice section.

Email Communication

Should you contact us via email, we collect personal information provided by you (such as name, email address, and message content) solely for responding to your inquiries. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, the data processing may be based on different legal grounds under GDPR. Your data will be used to address your query and then deleted in accordance with legal retention periods, unless you consent to further use.

Using Our Contact Form

By using our contact form, the personal data you provide will be used solely for the purpose of responding to your inquiry. Submitting your data implies consent to this processing, adhering to art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR. This consent can be revoked at any time.

Customer Account

Creating a customer account allows us to collect personal data to enhance your shopping experience. This process is consent-based and aligns with art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR. You can withdraw your consent at any time, leading to account deletion.

Order Processing

We collect necessary personal data for order processing, strictly adhering to Article 6(1) b) GDPR. This data is shared only with selected service providers and within the bounds of legal requirements.

Direct Marketing via Email

Your email address, obtained during a transaction, may be used for sending you marketing materials related to our services or products. This use is justified by our legitimate interest in direct marketing and is compliant with art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. You can opt-out of these communications at any time.

Shipping Information

With your consent, we may share your email address with shipping companies to keep you informed about your order's shipping status. This process is based on your consent according to art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR, which can be revoked at any time.

Third-Party Services

We employ an external merchandise management system by plentysystems AG for seamless order processing, ensuring your data is handled securely.

Payment Processing

We offer secure payment options, like Strip and PayPal, with all transactions governed by PayPal's Privacy Policy. We also provide the PayPal Express payment service for a streamlined checkout experience, adhering to data protection regulations.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Our website uses cookies and similar technologies to enhance user experience and analyze website usage. You have control over the use of these technologies and can manage preferences through your browser settings. We employ cookies strictly for operational purposes and, where applicable, for marketing and analysis with your consent.

Data Analysis and Online Marketing

We utilize services like Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel for website analysis and marketing purposes, ensuring a personalized and effective user experience. These services comply with GDPR, and you have rights concerning your personal data, including the right to object to certain processing activities.

Your Rights

You have various rights regarding your personal data, including access, rectification, deletion, and more. We commit to honoring these rights and provide mechanisms for you to exercise them. Additionally, you have the right to lodge complaints with regulatory authorities if you believe your data is not being processed lawfully.


SpiceJunction is dedicated to protecting your privacy and ensuring a secure online shopping experience. This policy is subject to updates and changes to reflect our commitment to data protection and compliance with applicable laws.

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By accepting cookies and data usage on Spicejunction, you enhance your browsing experience with faster load times and a smoother navigation. Additionally, you gain access to exclusive Spicejunction deals tailored to your preferences across your favorite platforms. For more information, please review our Privacy Policy and Imprint